Our primary emphasis on our website and service is the science fiction aspect of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR)! We believe that the future is moving exponentially fast into a new era of humankind where the diversity and intensity of technological breakthroughs will transform the human experience into a truly futuristic lifestyle akin to what used to be called science fiction. As the steam engine was to the first industrial revolution, technology will be to the fourth industrial revolution. Though we have a pragmatic approach to getting things done, we would like to live up to the spirit of this new age and be truly transformative, whether it is to inform the public of the everyday and long-term impact of 4IR, or to consul with a business in the best way to harness the power of 4IR technological, economic, political and social breakthroughs.
Although there will be great improvements to the quality of life overall, many might suffer from being replaced on the job by AI and automation. Our website will address this problem with a job placement service that specializes in placing those who lost their 4IR job and need or want a replacement job in a 4IR job as well. For some whose 4IR skills are in high demand, we will specialize in placing them as well. By utilizing a specialization space, we hope to offer a better focus to target 4IR employment.

There are many companies that offer services in helping in the design of 4IR manufacturing and organizational activities of businesses, however unlike them we don’t miss the ambition and knowhow to accomplish a harnessing of the technological convergence available in the revolution. We truly believe in the aspect of 4IR that makes it unlike any industrial revolution previous, and a historically transformative process. When we partner with businesses to create prototypes, design manufacturing ideas, and to master the art of the futuristic organizational requirements of 4IR, we will be implementing something that is rare to find. A company that can appreciate the difference this revolution can make. Though 4IR has been around since the turn of the 21st century, it is a new concept only come into vogue since Klaus Schwab invented the term in 2016. Though many businesses are selling piecemeal several parts of the 4IR puzzle, very few are living up to the spirit of the revolution, which we do here. So, if you are going to look long term for answers to how your business is going to fare 5 to 20 years from now, we would be a good source of development of ideas.

Also, as the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab have insisted, it is going to take a lot of ethical responsibility to promote the welfare of humankind as it goes through the 4IR process. In many ways we are not ready for everything the revolution has to offer. To better prepare the general population to support both politically and socially the right idea, we are offering 4IR information on our website free, so the general public will be aware of the many facets of the revolution and what to do in their own affairs in response to this change. We hope to enlist such people as professor Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum, to educate those who want to know what is going on, and perhaps take a leadership role themselves to promote the positive implementation of a 4IR future. We hope by having writers of the caliber of Klaus Schwab we will be able to achieve great things, teaching about this astounding future revolution in such a way as to be able to comprehend why the world is changing so rapidly, how this will benefit all of us, and how to be on guard for any negative factor of 4IR.
Marc Wolsky