4IR Group
The fourth industrial revolution at your disposal
We are about riding the science fiction into reality wave that is the spirit of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR). We feel we have an innovative breakthrough capability based on our insight, that the 4IR is not only on an exponential acceleration curve, but an astronomical, almost vertical destination toward a future with an actual differential. A real positivist future, which is beyond the traditional mindset. We intend to develop our site to include the latest trends and technological breakthroughs that make 4IR a radically transformative force on the human condition. As such technologies as AI and quantum computing assume an differential status within the business ecosystem, we will provide businesses with consultation on R&D projects, and will consider a venture partnership to develop and incorporate transformative technologies.
Our Services

On this website there will be featured many articles detailing the ground breaking technological breakthroughs of 4IR. They will tell you what is happening that will effect your everyday life, and into the foreseeable future. It is our belief that the changes wrought by 4IR will transform the human condition, and that we should all be aware of these new ideas as they are implemented.
With the hope that we will be able to crowdsource the best possible engineers, organization strategists and marketers, we will use thier expertise to help design your 4IR R&D and manufacturing operations. We also intend to partner in ventures to implement new products and services to promote utilization of 4IR technologies to create first-rate customer value and profits. Our service will live up to the technology disrupting paradigm of 4IR!
At 4IR Group we realize that there is a great fear that AI and automation are going to chase away many jobs. We are optimistic that history teaches us that in industrial revolutions in the past, when a job is eliminated, new industries create new employment. With this in mind, we will offer a specialized job placement service that puts workers displaced in a 4IR industry into a new 4IR job so as to not lose the advantages they had in their old place of work. Further, we are going to place those who are in high demand for the highly skilled 4IR employment.
The industrial revolution we are now undergoing has many ethical, economic, social and political concerns. It will challenge us to act responsibly so as to best take advantage of the upheavals technological disruptions will bring, and to not be susceptible to any negative impact 4IR may bring. In this effort we are opening up to the general public and asking for any constructive ideas on how to combat this negative influence. We intend to post any ideas deemed excitingly useful on to the 4IR Website Information part of the website, and ask for any comments on these ideas, and post them as well.

4ir: The wave of the future or reaction to the past?
by Marc Wolsky
February 20, 2019
Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum invented the term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and wrote a book by this name. The fourth industrial revolution is an accelerated use of technologies, such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, digital platform, autonomous cars, 3D printing, genetic engineering and neurotechnology. (Li, Hou & Wu, 2017) Besides being about an exponential wave of new technologies, it is also about intensive changes in the human condition regarding economic, political, cultural and social issues that will bring great upheaval in the 21st century. In all the literature about the fourth industrial revolution, there seems to be consensus that there is a paradigm shift happening because of the convergence of the digital, biological and physical innovations that is definitely occurring, although the ultimate nature of the resulting scenario is unknown. Much has been said, including by Klaus Schwab of the positive potential, but possible peril involved in this radical departure from the world as we know it today.