Though the definition of capitalism may be somewhat elusive, in my perception of it and its generally accepted meaning, it is my vision of a model economic system. Capitalism can be defined as a system where there is private ownership (as opposed to the state ownership of socialism) and people are motivated to acquire wealth through profits. It can be generally observed that in a capitalist system, we may also mean that in practice it serves as a proponent for democracy, as the individual is celebrated as an important unit. Further, people are freer to express themselves through innovation and ideas, as they are more in control of their lives because they are part of a system where everyone is motivated to get ahead because it is a norm. You are part of a society that celebrates achievement on the individual level, because everyone wants to be part of the next big thing. Although it may be hard to analyze why these things can happen as a result of a capitalist system, it is rather easy to see how it works in the aforementioned way in practice, once you accept the idea that one country is capitalist and the other socialist. (as in capitalist US and socialist Soviet Union) It also can be difficult to distinguish socialism from capitalism, but once again once you accept the general perception of a country as being either capitalist, socialist or market socialist, you can pretty much see how it works in practice. In practice, a capitalist country like the US tends to be a free and democratic society blessed with a much better quality of life than in a socialist country. Though America is accused of everything from being an oligarchy to a socialist country, it is my perception that it is a capitalist democracy, and that the wealth is distributed well enough for most and has a welfare system and other social programs for those who would otherwise be in absolute poverty, instead of relative poverty.

On Wall Street, technology is a byword of excellent stocks and a future that is compelling us all toward the wonder of what the future holds. Many people get breathless just thinking about how futuristic some tech achievements are, and how profoundly they enhance the quality of life for all humankind. The US is a global leader in technology, as well as in the mindset of technology, as can be evidenced by the invention of the internet and a quantum leaping tech industry.
To be philosophical, I think that there are vast eternities before war and strife will fade from the view of humankind. That said, I think we are presently on a future wave, where thought and material culture will put us in a position where things may get truly cosmic. The US will be a leader in this wave and will be great again! 😊 Again, I am not proposing utopia, so it is important that the US” technology wave and its ability to be a really great nation happens. It will make for a more ideal society, and a better human race. As far as tech making it hard for many to find work because of things like automation, I refer you to the theory that this is merely the fourth industrial revolution, and that these revolutions always disrupt one kind of work, while replacing it eventually with work that is easier and more rewarding.